Tuesday, June 27, 2006


A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, philosopher

Employees with too much insight often drift off-target. They move in circles and the higher up in the management corps they are, the bigger the circles.

If you know too much about a company, you may become a difficult person. If your co-workers think you know too much they’ll see you as someone with the master-key to company secrets that not even the Mounties, Scotland Yard, or the FBI has access to. They’ll also become suspicious of you and you may also attract the anger of corporate managers by being too insightful.

To me, insight is a form of self-knowledge. All of the above simply means that if you are insightful, you ought in general to keep it to yourself. I respect someone who lives by his or her own beliefs. But I’m always suspicious of those who flaunt their beliefs too openly. Share when asked, but be suspicious of those who come on strong.

Read more of Gutfeeling…..buy the book
Peter Urs bender, Author
Gut Feeling

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